Grandma Ecker used the expression "he was in his cups" and above is new twist to that old saying. Yup, the reddish coloured stuff inside the glass vials is me, well anyway my skin. After the needles it's on to the cupping. I've done a bit of research and now some what understand the logic behind while thinking it fits into the category of if you believe cupping works, maybe it does.
Anyway, it's hardly the new guy on the block in regard to medical treatment. It's an ancient form of Chinese medicine with it's origins dating back to 3000 BC. The air inside the glass globe is heated as you see in the photo above, placed over the injured area and as the air inside cools a small vacuum is created drawing your skin inside. The concept is based on the idea that this will increase blood flow to the injured area enhancing healing.
- It looks painful, is it? Not really but it feels and looks strange, along with leaving black and blue circles.
- How long are the cups left on? Not long, a few minutes.
- Do you think it has any benefit, other than bragging rights that you've been cupped and as a photo op? Maybe