Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Raggedy and not so cheap but have a Vietnam visa

hungry, we got food

Just got back from five days in Phnom Penh and it was disappointing for me because I'm a long time fan of the place.  Maybe the mess I encountered  was do the recent passing of King Noradon Sihanouk but whatever, every thing in Phnom Penh seemed over priced and the streets and side walks were strewn with litter that challanged you to find way through or over.

Along with that my health was not good, felt tired and achy and came down with a red rash on my legs and arms.  Sure that didn't help my state of mind as these problems arn't the sort of things that are normally a problem for me.

However, my goal of this outing was to obtain a new Vietnam visa which I did get so maybe not a nice place but I'm legal in Vietnam again.   Just for reference my three month, multiply visa through the Blue Tongue Hotel cost me  $110.00 and it took about a day and a half to process. 

Though shopping around I found the bus company SAPACO Tourist which I used to get to get to Phnom Penh offers a 3 month single Vietnam via  for $57.00, multi entry $77.00, 3 month multi for $95.00, 6 month multi for $140.00.  So if your visa shopping look around and oh ya my visa was cut at the Vietnamese Embassy in Sihanouk ville.  So maybe a trip to the beach can be fun while saving you a few bucks by going directly to the source.

Next will be busing it to Phnom Penh and a few random photos.

1 comment:

Chuck kuhn said...

Great info on getting visa. Tks