Thursday, November 05, 2015

Rain or is that the sky falling

Rain, tropical rain is the kind you hear before you feel.  You hear the hammering   of the impending rain as it strikes down from the sky. Not on you yet but moving toward you, the thought paseese through your mind that you could run along ahead of the storm and watch the impending action over your shoulder.  You could of course do this but it would probably mean a very wet shoulder in a short time.

The intensity and volume of water is what makes these rain squalls unique to the tropics.  The hammering sound amplified by the rains impact on the mostly tin roofed buildings, creating puddles the size of small lakes make one wonder if Henny Penny in “Chicken Little” was correct in saying the “sky was falling”. The sheer volume of water falling is like stepping into a shower stall with the shower heads being fed by multiple fire hoses. It seems to rain harder and harder, then abruptly it’s over, save for a couple drops here and there as a reminder of what just happened.

This isn’t just a one off deal either, as you poke your head out thinking it couldn’t rain any harder, it continues to mess with you  and rains harder. During the rainy season it can be a daily occurrence or even multiple episodes per day. The saving grace of all this is it hits hard for 20-30 minutes and then here comes the sun.

Thanks for stopping   Doug

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