Friday, January 31, 2014

The end of Tet 2014 Flower Market at 23- 9 park


This afternoon I was over at 23-9 park and witnessed the end of the flower market.  Last day, so last minute bargain shoppers abounded and it was a beehive of activity..  Twice I just about sucombed to wily cumquat salesman offering me deep discounts on remaining stock.

Cumquats are a traditional Tet fruit tree and look very impressive as this time of year their branches are heavily loaded with fruit.  Don't know about eating them, really all I know, think came from an old movie line by W C Fields  and  it went something like this - "my little kumquat". you had to be their.  

The really cool stuff are the bonsai plants and inexpensive too and one group of the plants where smaller ones were available but not sure how to get one through customs in California. 

Okay now for the photos -

shoppers and wanta be your delivery guys 


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